Having launched a dozen products and shipping thousands of creative assets, Pecko's visual design, user experience / UX / UI, campaign concepts, and brand marketing expertise has helped teams deliver memorable experiences and drive millions of dollars in revenue.
Pecko is currently woring as Head of Design at Truepill. As a former co-founder of Kenzen in San Francisco, he is always open to talking about fresh products & services with potential. Need to brand, build, ship or sell a great idea? Let's talk
Raised on Modern Rock and early Hip Hop, Pecko's sound is inspired by a variety of innovative DJs and producers. An Ableton blogger and user, Pecko composed and produced his first LP, independently released under the name Givertake. His style blends deep house, smooth electronica and hip hop. Here's a taste of what he's banging as of late:
"I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes the day after Halloween, at only three years old. Never cared much for the holiday since.
Now, with all the advances in technology, this isn't the worst disease to live with. But if you ask any PWD, you'd hear it remains extremely challenging to avoid sugar and carbs, stick fingers frequently, and deliver insulin before meals. Every meal.
Needless to say, I was really excited to consult with C8 MediSensors in San Jose, CA back in 2012 - not only as their Brand Experience & Creative Director, but also to speak on behalf of patients. I worked really hard to create an amazing experience for users, people just like me. It's non-invasive technology used light, along with your mobile phone, with the promise of continuously monitoring glucose. I've been waiting, well, forever for this."
injections to date
last Hb/A1c